Стартира нов международен проект по програма Еразъм+
на тема “ CLIL as a Bridge to Real Life English”
ДФСГ „Интелект“ е партньор по проект CLIL as a Bridge to Real Life English, в който участват училища от Полша, Испания, Италия, Словакия, Гърция и Турция. Проектът е с продължителност 2 учебни години – 2016-2018. Под ръководството на учителите Елка Симеонова, Нели Цветкова и Генадий Гешев ще участват ученици от 9, 10, 11 клас.
Основните цели на проекта са усъвършенстване на езиковите и компютърните умения на учениците, повишаване на общата им култура по история и география на страните-партньори, както и познанията им за страните от Европейския съюз и Европа. Ние, участниците в проекта, споделяме целите на Съвета на Европа да се изгради единна Европа, основана на споделени ценности, включващи толерантност и уважение към културното и езиковото разнообразие.
Целта на този проект е да подобри мотивацията на учениците за учене на чужди езици и особено английски език чрез окуражаване на вроденото им любопитство за нови знания и умения. Проектът ще е идеален за развиване на ключови компетенции в различните области на познанието.
Първата среща бе осъществена в страната-координатор на проекта – Полша през м. Октомври тази година. На нея координаторите на страните партньори уточниха подробности по дейностите и продуктите, които ще създадат учениците, участващи в проекта.
Представяме ви накратко партньорите, участващи в проекта, екипа от ДФСГ „Интелект“ , критериите и сроковете за подбор на участниците.
Coordinator – Poland
The Non-public Gimnazjum by Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski High School in Puławy is a lower-secondary school existing since 2009. Our Gimnazjum has been a leading school since the very beginning and although the candidates have to take entrance exams, it is full-occupied each year. Currently we have 271 students aged 13-16 and 30 teachers.
The general curriculum in our school is extended at some profiles that students can choose from. They are: general, mathematics and English language. Besides, as the second language, students can choose German or Spanish. Spanish has appeared to be a really asset of our school, being a novelty in lower-secondary level. Our students have been interested in taking part in different contests including culture of Spanish-speaking countries, film and art, music and dance, resulting with many successes.
Turkey – Korfez Fen Lisesi is a science high school in Körfez/KOCAELİ, near İstanbul – 2010 European capital city of culture. It was founded in 2014.
There are about 600 students who study in this school whose ages are between 14-18. The students have to take a national exam and get the required score to study in science high schools. So, our students are among the best students in the country.
The school subjects are mostly based on Maths and Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). Besides these, the students also learn English, German, Turkish Literature and Grammar, History and Geography. English and German are taught as foreign languages in the school.
Greece – The 1st Lyceum of Perama, is located in Perama, a suburb of Piraeus. Our school has 23 teachers and 220 pupils aged 15-18 years old.
All works can be used and extended to the Erasmus+ project as a “Bridge” to bring students and the societies they live in closer, know the cultures of different countries and overcome obstacles derived from cultural, religious and any other differences. We think that music, theatre, literature and the English language used as a catalyst, can be a “Bridge” to promote friendship, solidarity, humanism and multiculturalism among our students and the societies they grow up in.
Bulgaria – State School of Finance and Management “Intellect” (Pleven, Bulgaria) was founded in 1990 as a specialized High School with an economic profile. The idea was to provide a high level of general education, foreign language and vocational training, to form a new economic thinking, to stimulate communicative, organizational and innovative skills in young people.
State School of Finance and Management “Intellect” is a vocational school with economic bias and intensive study of foreign languages and provides training for 550 students in eight specialties from 8th to 12th grade.
Staff and students are open for new ideas, partners and opportunities, which can motivate young people to fulfill the motto “It’s for life, not for school that we prepare”.
Italy – I.I.S.S. “Rosa Luxemburg” is a public secondary school of 5 years which welcomes students aged fourteen to nineteen. The school has three different fields of study:
Artistic Gymnasium, Two Vocational schools: Commercial services – commercial promotion and advertising; Social and health care service; Agrarian technical school.
There are about 750 students and 90 teachers. It is a public school that works in an area in which the living, social, cultural, economical and environmental conditions, are influenced by unemployment, immigration, insufficient sensibility towards ours and other cultures, economic difficulties caused by economic crisis
Spain – „La Escribana“ is a secondary school located in the southern Spain. It has a bilingual programme in some specific subjects such as Music , Social Sciences, Citizenship Education, Art and Natural Sciences in order to improve the students’ linguistic skills.
The school is small and comprises 7 or 8 groups and 150 students approximately. They are from 11 to 15 years old.
Slovakia – Secondary Technical School was founded in 1939. It is located in Povazska Bystrica, a town in northwestern Slovakia. The town is located on the Váh river, around 30 km from the city of Žilina.
It is a vocational school where about 360 students study in economic and technical branches. It prepares them in the following fields of study: engineering, technology and operation of transport, operation and economy of transport, technical and IT services and woodprocessing and making furniture.
The school cooperates with many enterprises and companies from the public and private sector. We have close cooperation with engineering and car-making companies. The students have the chance to work there after finishing school.